- Senior Outreach
- Senior Commodity Supplemental Food Program
- Weight Management
Senior Outreach Ministry meets three times per week (MWF) from 10A – 1P. It is a senior fellowship program for ages 56 and above. The group exercise together and study God’s Word. The group sponsors quarterly shopping trips. In 2014 they sponsored a trip to The Holy Land (Orlando Florida).
Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) gives thousands of low-income South Carolinians access to healthy food. As part of the program, the USDA ships items directly to the food bank, including fruits, vegetables and cold cereals. Eligibility is based on age, income and state residency. Interested individuals must apply in-person at a participating site.
The Health and Wellness program provides a variety on on-going health and preventive programs.
Chairperson: Sharon Watson RN, BSN (803) 960-6071 Email: [email protected]